's Ratings & Reviews will let you know if it's worth your time or not in over 75 cities.
Reviewed by:
lajshaye on:
2020/6/12 8:02:11
Is your buffet open for lunch these days?
Reviewed by:
blackwater7.62mm on:
2020/6/1 15:16:12
Can’t get through on the phone-
Can’t get past the item selection mode to pay for what’s in the cart-
David Mcknight
Been trying since 11:30 today!!
Reviewed by:
miked on:
2020/2/10 9:51:42
I wanted to followup on a sample of batter mix that I left a couple of weeks ago. We specialize in batters and breadings. Please let me know if we can help you. We are in Carrollton, TX.
I also represent another company that delivers facility supplies next day and can help with logo'ed products.
Reviewed by:
hegan on:
2019/8/2 15:12:49
My name is Heather Egan and I am the Director of Leisure and International Sales for the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau. I am currently updating some information on Grapevine for Chinese Receptive Operators, to help promote our city to Chinese inbound travelers, and one of the questions they have is regarding our local Chinese restaurants and whether or not they offer menus in Chinese? Any other amenities that I should note that may be attractive to a visitor to Grapevine from China?
I appreciate the information and hope to have the opportunity to meet you soon.
Reviewed by:
arkonorllc on:
2019/6/10 12:40:34
Are you giving your profits away in the form of discounts to produce sales?
Have your store sales been dropping over the last few years? Are their more restaurants opening up around you every day taking your customers? Do you have a plan to increase your sales with an increase in competition?
We have compared the business development process from successful and failed restaurants. From this information, we were able to develop a reproducible process for building your sales.
We explain why marketing tools have not met the expectations of increasing sales. We answer the important question where did the expected profits go. We build out a realistic budget with real-world numbers and more.
So come and have a read and let us help you build your business,
Thank you and have a wonderful day
Reviewed by:
zimmermannmonika92 on:
2019/1/29 12:22:31
Give your customers the honor of placing their orders via Facebook and your website and build a list of loyal customers with our Marketing and Loyalty Program. Please contact us for additional information.
Reviewed by:
alek.johnson on:
2019/1/22 10:54:55
Hi there,
Has your team at Asian Top considered Uber Eats? I saw you're on postmates as well, and honestly I'm reaching out specifically because Uber Eats needs more asian cuisine options in Grapevine!
If you have a moment, give me a call @ (415) 697-4711 and we can go over details. Like I said, we need more menus like yours so I can probably get you started up for a free trial.
Let me know either way, thanks!
Reviewed by:
eannie81 on:
2018/5/11 11:04:01
Is the buffet served all day on Sunday?
Reviewed by:
jspereira on:
2018/4/8 8:00:45
Hi! Would you consider sponsoring the CHHS cheer squad? Can you send me your email so I can send some info to you?
Reviewed by:
thighmaster6669 on:
2018/4/8 0:49:38
How much is the lunch/ dinner buffet? For 2 adult, 4yr old and 1yr old. What are the hours?